Explore Confident Leadership Coaching

Leadership Reimagined: The Power of Awe and Delight

older woman leader awe delight

Unconventional Leadership  Through Awe and Delight

At first glance, awe and delight might seem more at home in the realms of poets and party planners than in the serious business of leadership.

However, these emotions hold untapped potential for transforming the way leaders think, act, and connect with their teams.

Awe, the deep sense of wonder in the presence of something larger than oneself, challenges and expands our usual perspectives. It's not just an emotion reserved for grand natural vistas or art masterpieces; it's a mindset that can open up new avenues for visionary thinking and innovative problem-solving in the workplace.

Delight, on the other hand, brings a lighter touch. It's the joy found in the small, often overlooked moments - a shared success, a problem creatively solved, a moment of genuine team camaraderie. Far from being frivolous, delight can be a powerful force in maintaining motivation and fostering a positive workplace culture.

For leaders, cultivating these emotions may seem unconventional, but the benefits are profound.

Awe can inspire a sense of possibility and ambition, pushing beyond the everyday constraints of management. Delight, meanwhile, acts as a glue, bonding teams together with shared moments of joy and satisfaction.

In this exploration of awe and delight in leadership, I invite you to consider a different approach – one that values the expansive power of wonder and the binding force of joy, as key components in effective leadership.


By the way, both awe and delight are linked to resilience. Download the Remarkable Resilience Routine designed to boost your resilience as a leader. This routine is a quick daily exercise for building a resilient mindset. By integrating this practice into your daily routine, you can develop the resilience that not only helps you survive but thrive in your leadership role.


Understanding Awe in Leadership

Awe is an emotion that transcends the ordinary, a profound feeling of wonder and amazement that arises in the presence of something vast and extraordinary.

In the realm of leadership, awe acts as a powerful catalyst for transformation.

It occurs when leaders encounter ideas, achievements, or innovations that significantly alter their understanding of what’s possible. This could be the realization of a long-term vision, the success of a complex project, or witnessing a team member achieve something extraordinary.

The impact of awe on leaders is multifaceted. It expands your perception, enabling you to see beyond the narrow confines of daily challenges and into the broader potential of your role and organization.

Awe-inspiring moments often lead to what psychologists call 'the small self' phenomenon, where one's personal concerns and ego-centric focus diminish, giving way to a sense of connection with something larger than oneself. (sidebar definition here) This shift is crucial for leaders as it fosters humility and a greater consideration for the collective good, essential qualities for inclusive and ethical leadership.

Awe also fuels creativity and innovation. By breaking the routine mental patterns and opening the mind to new possibilities, leaders are more likely to think outside the box and approach problems with fresh perspectives. Additionally, experiencing awe can boost emotional well-being, which is vital for the demanding role of a leader.

The Role of Delight

While awe is about the vast and extraordinary, delight is found in the smaller, everyday experiences that bring joy and pleasure.

It’s the emotion that surfaces during moments of accomplishment, shared humor, or when witnessing the simple yet perfect execution of a plan. For leaders, delight plays a crucial role in maintaining a positive and engaging work environment.

Unlike awe, which often involves experiences that are grand and rare, delight can be cultivated more frequently in everyday interactions and achievements. It serves as a motivator, not just for the leader but for the entire team.

Delight in leadership is about celebrating the small wins, finding joy in the progress, and acknowledging the efforts of each team member. This acknowledgment fosters a sense of belonging and appreciation, which in turn boosts team morale and productivity.

And...delight helps leaders build stronger relationships with their team.

It encourages a culture of openness and trust, where team members feel valued and heard. This emotional connection is crucial for effective team dynamics, as it enhances collaboration and willingness to take on challenges.

In essence, while awe expands a leader’s vision and fosters a sense of humility and connection, delight strengthens team bonds and creates a positive, productive workplace culture. Both emotions are vital in shaping a well-rounded, effective leader who can inspire and motivate their team towards greater achievements.

How Awe Enhances Leadership Abilities

Experiencing awe has a profound effect on how leaders think and make decisions.

When leaders encounter awe-inspiring situations, it often leads to what psychologists call 'cognitive accommodation.' This is where existing mental models are adjusted to accommodate new, expansive ideas or experiences.

Awe essentially broadens a leader's cognitive horizons, enabling them to think more holistically and consider a wider range of possibilities and perspectives.

This broadened thinking is crucial for effective decision-making.

Leaders who experience awe are more likely to consider long-term impacts and the broader implications of their decisions. They're inclined to move beyond the typical cost-benefit analysis and factor in intangible elements like ethical considerations, employee well-being, and the organization's legacy.

This holistic approach can lead to more innovative and sustainable solutions.

Here's an example of awe-inspired leadership....Take the case of a tech company CEO who leads her team through the development of a groundbreaking product.

Faced with immense technical challenges and skepticism, the CEO draws inspiration from the vast potential impact of the product on the industry and society. This awe of what could be achieved fuels her vision and determination. Her decision-making transcends the usual focus on immediate financial gains; instead, she considers the long-term transformation the product could bring about.

Under her leadership, the team pushes the boundaries of innovation, not only achieving a technological feat but also setting new industry standards.

This story demonstrates how awe can inspire a leader to pursue ambitious goals, think beyond conventional constraints, and make decisions that have far-reaching positive consequences. In doing so, awe not only enhances the leader's abilities but also uplifts the entire organization, driving it towards new heights of success and innovation.

In real life, awe inspires other resilience-building characteristics in NASA leadership. There are thousands of other examples...many of which may be in your own organization.


Integrating Delight Into Your Leadership Style

Moving beyond the conventional playbook, leaders have the unique opportunity to create an environment that not only drives productivity but also sparks creativity and fosters a genuinely enjoyable workplace.

Side note: If you want to see how someone can delight an entire crowd, check out this video of Bobby McFarrin at The Kennedy Center.

The following list offers some out-of-the-box, perhaps even unconventional, ways to weave delight into your leadership style. These ideas are designed to break the monotony, encourage team bonding, and transform the daily grind into a series of engaging and enjoyable experiences.

  • Unexpected Adventure Days: Organize surprise outings or activities unrelated to work. This could be anything from a group hike to an impromptu visit to a local art exhibit.
  • 'Reverse Mentorship' Sessions: Encourage junior team members to teach senior members or leaders about their unique skills or hobbies, fostering a sense of empowerment and mutual respect.
  • Creative Problem-Solving Competitions: Host friendly competitions where teams solve real work problems through the most creative methods, not just the most efficient ones.
  • Incorporate Play into Meetings: Begin meetings with a quick, playful icebreaker or game that's unrelated to work, like a quick round of charades or a group storytelling activity.
  • Random Acts of Kindness Challenge: Encourage team members to perform random acts of kindness for each other, and share these stories in team meetings.
  • Improv Workshops: Engage in improv theater workshops that not only are fun but also enhance communication skills and quick thinking.
  • Mystery Guest Speakers: Invite guests from completely different industries or backgrounds to share insights and stories, providing fresh perspectives and sparking curiosity.
  • 'What If' Brainstorming Sessions: Dedicate time for wild, 'what if' scenarios where practicality is not a constraint, encouraging imaginative thinking and laughter.
  • Shared Learning Journeys: Pick a non-work-related topic or skill, and learn it together as a team, such as a cooking class, language lessons, or photography.
  • Theme Days: Have themed days where the team dresses up or decorates the workspace according to a fun theme, like a favorite movie or a decade.
  • Virtual Reality Breaks: Use VR headsets for short, immersive experiences that are completely different from the work environment, like a virtual trip to the beach or space.
  • Gratitude Wall: Create a space where team members can post notes of gratitude or appreciation for each other (or anything in their world), fostering a positive and supportive environment.

Implementing these unconventional strategies for integrating delight into leadership is more than just about having fun; it's about cultivating a workplace culture that values creativity, joy, and human connection.

By stepping out of the traditional leadership box and embracing these unique practices, you're not only enhancing the team's morale but also setting the stage for a more dynamic, innovative, and fulfilling work environment. 

Remember, the most impactful leaders are those who dare to lead differently, inspiring their teams not just through goals and guidelines, but through shared moments of unexpected joy and collective creativity.

Words straight from the heart of someone who's been there – Client Kathryn McClatchy shares her perspective:

"My problem was that I was more than a little bit overwhelmed...my own company staff, projects, marketing, taxes, all the things. Stacy got to the root of the problem quickly and efficiently. She helped me prioritize the tasks that needed to be done and in many cases offered not only solutions and sources, but mindset shifts. So I could think about managing all the moving parts with a lot more grace."


Balancing Awe and Delight for Effective Leadership

In the intricate dance of leadership, balancing the profound impact of awe with the uplifting nature of delight is key to fostering a dynamic and effective team. While awe expands the vision and inspires grand ambitions, delight brings a sense of connection and joy to the everyday tasks. Striking the right balance between these two emotions can significantly enhance decision-making and team management.

The Importance of Authenticity

The authenticity in expressing awe and delight cannot be overstated.

When leaders genuinely express both Awe and Delight, it transcends mere management strategy and becomes a powerful tool for connection and inspiration.

Authentic expressions of awe and delight encourage similar openness and sincerity within the team, creating a more cohesive and supportive work environment.

This authenticity also helps in avoiding the pitfalls of seeming manipulative or inauthentic, which can erode trust and respect.

Balancing awe and delight requires a nuanced understanding of your team and the situation at hand.

By mastering this balance, leaders can create a more inspiring, enjoyable, and effective work environment.

Final Thoughts

The integration of awe and delight into leadership marks a transformative approach that extends beyond conventional strategies.

Awe, with its power to expand visions and inspire grand thinking, equips leaders to see beyond immediate challenges and foster a culture of innovation and ambition.

Delight, in its turn, brings a vital energy to daily interactions, building strong, cohesive teams that thrive in a positive and supportive environment.

When leaders embrace these elements, they unlock a more holistic style of leadership—one that balances the grandeur of vision with the joy of daily achievements. This approach not only enhances team performance but also nurtures a work culture rich in creativity, motivation, and genuine satisfaction.

The journey of integrating awe and delight may challenge traditional leadership norms, but the rewards are profound—a more dynamic, engaging, and fulfilling leadership experience for both the leader and the team.

This is leadership reimagined, where the pursuit of objectives is intertwined with the human experience of wonder and happiness, leading to a workplace that is not just successful, but also vibrant and inspiring.

Don't forget to download the Remarkable Resilience Routine designed to boost your resilience as a leader. This routine is a quick daily exercise for building a resilient mindset. By integrating this practice into your daily routine, you can develop the resilience that not only helps you survive but thrive in your leadership role.

Embrace Awe and Delight in Your Leadership Journey: Discover Coaching with Stacy Brookman

Integrating awe and delight into your leadership style isn't just about adopting new strategies; it's about embarking on a transformative journey that reshapes how you lead, connect, and inspire. Yet, the path to weaving these powerful elements into your leadership fabric can be nuanced and challenging. That's where personalized coaching steps in as a guiding force.

If you'd like to explore how coaching can elevate your leadership abilities, infuse your style with awe and delight, and guide you to new heights of professional achievement, I warmly invite you to an exclusive Explore Coaching call with me. In our session, we'll dive deep into your leadership aspirations, challenges, and the unique opportunities awaiting you in your role.

During the Explore Coaching call, we'll talk through a tailored approach that aligns with your personal leadership style and goals. Whether it's about harnessing the expansive power of awe or the uplifting energy of delight (or simply exiting out of imposter syndrome) our journey together will be designed to equip you with the insights, tools, and support necessary for a fulfilling and impactful leadership experience.

To schedule your Explore Coaching call, simply click here to find a time that works for you. Let this be your pivotal step toward a leadership style that's not only effective but also joyful and inspiring.

Remember, great leadership is a journey of continuous evolution and growth. With the right guidance and support, you can master the art of leading with both strength and heart. You're not just leading a team; you're shaping a culture and a legacy.

Here’s to your journey of becoming a leader who not only achieves but inspires with awe and delight.



Stacy Brookman

Women leaders who want to eliminate imposter syndrome, people-pleasing, overwork, and overwhelm leverage my confident leadership coaching to clarify their power skills and confidently command their seat at the table. I’m a women's leadership coach, conference speaker, and the founder of Real Life Resilience.

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